Setting Up Your Aquarium

Setting Up Your Aquarium

Aquariums add a beautiful aesthetic element to every home. Whether you are new to keeping fish or upgrading your aquarium, we are here to provide you with all necessary information to point you in the right direction. Helpful hints and tips are provided throughout the Fish Academy with our ‘Fish for Thought’ mascot, Professor Dorothy Finn. 

  1. Place the aquarium in the desired location and remember to avoid direct sunlight to prevent the water temperature increasing and causing algae. Ensure the location can support the weight of the aquarium based on the litres required, and If your aquarium does not have an existing stand or isn’t going to be placed on an aquarium stand, place a layer of Styrofoam underneath to avoid stress.

  2. Wipe down the aquarium’s interior with a damp cloth (one that has never been used for any other purpose) to remove any dust. It is important that you avoid using any chemicals that are not fish safe when cleaning the aquarium.

  3. Rinse your gravel in cool water several times to remove dust particles.

  4. Place gravel in the aquarium.

  5. If you want to install an air stone in your aquarium, trim the tube and connect both air stone and air pump together. Always use a check valve when doing this.

  6. Fill the aquarium ¾ with cold tap water.

  7. Install the filter. Position your filter to provide maximum surface movement and good water flow around the entire tank.
  8. For tropical tanks, install the heater and wait 10 minutes before turning on. Do not at any time turn on the heater while it is outside the tank, this can cause the heater to crack/break and cause burns to you.

  9. Place the thermometer at the opposite end of the tank to the heater.

  10. Rinse your decorations and artificial plants and add to the aquarium. Ensure you use aquarium approved ornaments to prevent leaking of harmful substances into your aquarium water.

  11. Fill the rest of the ¼ of the aquarium with cold tap water.

  12. Put in recommended amount of water conditioner, bio starter and freshwater aquarium salt (if required for your fish).

  13. Turn on the filter and heater, and monitor the temperature on the thermometer, to ensure that the water is heating to the correct range. It will take up to 24 hours to get to the desired temperature and stabilise.

  14. Let everything run for 24 hours before adding any fish. It is important to test all components of your aquarium and the water before adding any livestock. It is important to gradually add your fish into the aquarium and not allat once. It is recommended to add no more than 10-20% of the final population at a time.

Please note, these hints and tips are a guide only. 
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